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Job Search

In last couple of years, I was actively applying for jobs in technology sector, and used different COTS products and this is my review of those products and why I prefer one over other

As it is looking for a new job is already a stressful venture and some of the products, companies use make it is not a very refreshing or welcoming sign for the potential candidates to apply.

Linkedin Easy Apply

Easily my favorite as it let me stay in linkedin and answer few questions and viola application is in.


This is my least favorite for couple of reasons, every time you have to apply create an account or login to the account to fill out things, there are few companies I don’t apply anymore because they use workday. Second reason with workday is to fill our profile you need to put down everything from resume in the workday ( positions you held, education you got etc.) which I feel is cumbersome as text extract software from a PDF can do that job.

Other Products

These products are also easy to work with, applying doesn’t take lot of effort and UI wise easy to deal with.


  • Filling out mandatory demographic and other info for every application, hopefully there is a chrome plugin which can fill out these depending on the selection
  • Sexual orientation terms are often confusing, some use like “Straight”, “Gay” etc and some use terms like “Asexual”, “Heterosexual” etc. sometimes I lookup what they mean on internet before selection ( I’m aware they are optional, but we never know how the softwares reading the application pursue our reluctance to answer these)
  • Asking questions like “why I want to work here etc.” I know there is a significance, but how many times we spend time to write these genuinely
  • Cover letters are another tricky ones, resume nowadays itself is a single page and then for each job description, I have to come up with a cover letter is too much to ask in my opinion. ( I hardly put effort to write up a cover letter, may be that’s the reason why I’m still in market for a job :) )